1. Yamas Reflecting our true nature/Moral Guide
2. Niyamas Self-Observances
3. Asana Postures to prepare the body to sit still
4. Pranayama Circulating energy/life force through controlled breathing
5. Pratyahara The withdrawal of the senses or mastery of external influences
The final three facets are more internal than the preceding five, and as they flow seamlessly from one to another, they are known as Samyama (Fusion).
The final 3 are not practices like the first 5. Rather, they are progressive internal states that evolve from the cultivation of the first 5 practices.
The 'Doing' of the first 5 transforms into the 'Being' of the final 3.
So we can say that following the flow of Yamas and Niyamas as the 1st and 2nd limbs of Ashtaanga Yoga, we develop love and respect for others as well as ourselves, the mind and emotions become calm. Asana and Pranayama, the 3rd and 4th Limbs, allow the life force to gather and refine, bringing ease to the body, mind and emotions. Then Pratyahara, the 5th limb, encourages the senses inward.
6. Dharana Contemplation/Reflection
Gathering consciousness and focusing it within is Dharana
The Sanskrit root 'Dha' means to support, and the final two limbs rest on this one. There are many exercises to help the mind focus on a still point. I will leave this until another blog.
7.Dhyana Meditation
The continued unbroken inward flow of consciousness toward one point is Dhyana. This limb is the fruit of Dharana, occuring as you focus on one point in a state of continuous calm - the root 'Dhi' means intellect or thinking.
8. Samadhi
When individual consciousness unites with the Diving Consciousness, the illusion of separateness dissolves; this is Samadhi
Sama meaning 'Equal' Dhi meaning 'Thinking'
Observing the first 7 limbs brings you into a balanced mind-state, where you are aware of the eternal.
So that is enough for one day. If you're reading this I hope you're enjoying it. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Om Shanti.
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