It begins with an external physical focus and then draws you inward to the subtle image.
Choose an inspirational object: a lit candle, a photo, flowers, the sunrise or sunset, a mandala or yantra (sacred geometric pattern), or anything at all that uplifts you and evokes a quiet, peaceful feeling.
Sit directly in front of it at eye level, close enough for you to see the form and feel its qualities.
Close your eyes. Take in a few deep breaths and let them out slowly as your body calms and becomes still.
Slowly open the eyes halfway. Begin to gaze at your chosen object; the eyes and eyelids remain relaxed and soft.
Allow the image to flow toward you.
The eyes may wander. Gently bring them back to the chosen object and let the breath continue to be gentle.
Allow the eyes to be directed outward until they blink, tear or feel in any way uncomfortable. Then close them softly.
Observe the image as it now appears in the mind's eye. Gently perceive the same inspirational qualities as you go deep within.
When the inner image begins to fade, open the eyes again and gaze toward the external object.
If the mind starts wandering bring your awareness gently back towards the object in front of you.
Let all thoughts and feelings drift into the background as you contemplate your sacred object.
If any tension creeps into the body, take in a few deep breaths and let it go.
After a few minutes, allow the eyes to close, drawing deep within. Clearly 'see' the image with the inner eye. Be silent for a few minutes and enjoy the inner stillness of Dharana.
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