If you've been down to any of the Outdoor Yoga classes I truly hope you've enjoyed them. I cannot say enough about both the teachers and those who are helping out with running the classes. What an amazing bunch of people with so much energy and enthusiasm for sharing their love of Yoga.
I have not had any time to update the Blog in the last few months and thought I'd start with an excerpt from one of my favourite books 'The Secret Power of Yoga' by Nischala Joy Devi
Karma Yoga and You
During these busy times, most of us consider it a luxury to take time to retreat from the world to the spirit, and it is touted as a blessing for the few. This is great Karma Yoga for us. When we feel nurtured, it is easy to nurture others. When we do not nurture ourselves, we are unable to draw upon qualities of love, faith, and other spiritual virtues. Not paying attention to our own needs causes them to borrow and hide deep within our hearts.
Karma Yoga for yourself can be even fifteen minutes to one hour a day. If you do it regularly, that short period of time is enough to revitalise body, mind and emotions and lead you home to the spirit.
'Always give from the overflow of your well, not from its depth.'
Sufi saying
Have a fantastic May Bank Holiday Weekend.
Love and Light.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti,
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