Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So the Asanas - The 3rd Limb

The Asanas are the physical yoga poses practiced to prepare ourselves to sit in meditation. Asana being a Sanskrit word for Seat.

Yoga in its completeness is a way of life that allows total transformation.

The Physical Postures (Asanas) can serve as an introduction to this, initially reintroducing us to our bodies.

What is being taught under the name of Yoga and what is taught at Outdoor Yoga is a minute part of a much much wider tradition. From a fitness and physical health perspective the benefits are endless (quite a few are listed in one of the first blogs) and if that is where it starts and ends for you I am very glad that it has helped you in some way.

So I'm using this blog to fill in some of the blanks that are left from an hour per week in a Yoga class which is mostly if not wholely Asana based. So if that is your experience of Yoga you are familiar enough with the physical and seeing as I'm trying to make this as 'bitesize' as possible we will leave the Asanas there for now.

In Yoga we say Mental Tension (anxiety, depression) manifests as Stiffness in our Physical body. The Asanas are practiced to settle the Body so that we can sit in comfort and stillness.

'Within is the wellspring of Good; and it is always ready to bubble up, if you just dig.' Marcus Aurelius

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